4. Making Comparisons

Comparing Numbers

There are six possible comparisons that can be made in Python: == equal > greater than < smaller than != not equal >= greater than or equal to <= smaller than or equal to

For example, we can make comparisons in Python between two numbers:

>> True

>> False

In the above, by inputting 1==1 is same as asking Python this question: Is 1 equal to 1”? (The answer is yes.) The result of these comparison is a data type called Boolean, which has only two possible values: True or False.

Note that == and = are not the same. == is used for comparison, while = is used for assigning a value to a variable.

X = 4  #this is assigning the value 4 to variable X
X == 4 #this is asking Python to compare if variable X is equal to 4

Comparing Strings

You can also compare if two strings are equal in Python.

>> False

We can also ask Python to find out if a string is contained within a string using the “in” comparison operator.

"H" in "Hello"
>> True

"h" in "Hello"
>> False

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